Boots-on-the-Ground Market Insights:

Presented by The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show


Hosted by Russell Gray

Featuring Chris Funk


September 2020 Update

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About Chris Funk


Chris Funk and his team entered the real estate game like many investors … acquiring and renovating foreclosed homes after the ’08 crash. As the economy recovered it become harder and harder to get bargains on their acquisitions.

So they expanded into development and new construction … and Southern Impression Homes was born.

Now you can ride their coattails into developing your own portfolio of single family homes.

Chris knows the success that comes from a good real estate investment. He wants his investors to get a great property for a great deal in a great market.

To learn more about Chris’ team, click here >>

To read the Atlanta Market Report, click here >>

To read the Jacksonville Market Report, click here >>

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