THREE power-packed days of practical, tactical training to help you quickly launch your syndication business right!


At one point you invested time and money to attend the Secrets of Successful Syndication seminar.

Hopefully, you’ve gone on to create a successful syndication business.  If so, let us know … and with your permission, we’ll brag about you to our audience. This promotes our program and builds YOUR brand too.  It’s a win-win.

Then again, maybe you’ve decided syndication is not for you.  That’s okay too … though you probably won’t find the rest of this message interesting.

If you STILL have dreams of building a BIG income and net worth through syndication … but you’re not there yet …

… you’ll DEFINITELY want to read this ENTIRE message carefully.

Meet the $100 million man …

Dave Zook is the first syndication club member to reach $100 million

Five years ago, Dave Zook attended the Secrets of Successful Syndication seminar. Since then, he’s raised over $100 million. By any measure, that’s some SERIOUS success.

So it’s clear … there’s a proven path from seminar to real-world success. Dave Zook found it … in a BIG way. And he’s not the only one.  He’s just the biggest … so far.

The GREAT NEWS is Dave Zook and several other syndicators who’ve successfully gone from seminar to real-world syndication success are our lab rats (and we love them) for developing specialized training to fast-track start-up syndicators.

Real World Solutions to Real World Challenges …

♦ Setting up effective legal and accounting structures

 ♦ Organizing and leading a team of staff, advisors, vendors, and strategic allies

♦ Building a brand investors trust and a large network of qualified investors to present offerings to

♦ Finding and vetting deals, and crafting compelling offerings

♦ Which systems, vendors, processes, and procedures work best for staying organized and compliant with the law

 … and MUCH MORE!




Syndication Fast-Start Intensive Training



This BRAND-NEW event goes DEEPER into practical how-to syndication training … and it’s ONLY available to alumni of the Secrets of Successful Syndication training.

Learn more of what matters most … FASTER!

The Fast Start Intensive Training curriculum is based on CANDID feedback from our growing network of real-world syndicators …

♦  What they did to get to their first million

♦  How they’re finding qualified investors

♦  Where they’re getting profitable deals

♦  The biggest mistakes they’ve made … and what they learned

♦  The most important lessons … and what they wish they knew sooner

♦ Advice they’d give themselves at the very start of their syndication journey

This is NOT theory … not textbook … not hypothetical …

Get direct, practical real-world advice from students who started at the Secrets of Successful Syndication seminar … just like YOU … and then graduated into the school of hard knocks where they’ve learned by DOING.

The BEST lessons come from everyday people who are in the trenches grinding day in and day out.  They’re just hard to find because people DOING it everyday are often too busy to teach.

But a big part of the culture of the Syndication Mentoring Club is sharing tribal knowledge.

We’re gathering Syndication Mentoring Club Members’ BEST advice and bringing it to YOU in this all new Fast-Start Intensive Training!



PLUS … Expert Advice from the Syndication Mentoring Club Advisory Board

We asked our Syndication Mentoring Club and Inner Circle members  …

♦ What are your top three syndication GOALS for the current year?

♦ What are your top three biggest CHALLENGES right now?

Find out what the SMC Advisory Board’s answers are!

We’re also asking the lawyers and accountants in our network …

What are the most common, costliest, most dangerous mistakes you see start-up syndicators make?

All great lessons come at a price … from real-world pain.  But YOU don’t need to play FULL price.  You can get these great lessons for just the price of admission.

Even better, many of these syndicators and advisors will be sharing their answers LIVE at the Fast Start Intensive Training … with ample time for active Q&A with both the audience and each other (some of the best lessons come from watching experts talk to each other!)

Best of all, we’re video-taping EVERYTHING and putting it all in the content library of the Syndication Mentoring Club online platform so members can refer to it over and over … anytime!

Here are some of the hot topics already on the agenda …

♦ Determine YOUR Most Effective Syndication Business Strategy


♦ Create a Simple, Executable Business Plan and Budget for Your Syndication Business


♦ Set Up Your Essential Business Infrastructure – Legal, Technology, and Accounting


♦ Define and Document Your Critical Core Processes for Investor Acquisition, Deal Sourcing and Vetting, Offering Preparation, Risk Mitigation, and more.


♦ Organize, Lead and Scale Your Team


♦ Structure Your Life to Get More of What Matters Done Faster … with Less Stress


 ♦ Make the Leap from Part-Time to Full-Time


PLUS, specific recommendations for finding critical resources, vendors, and service providers that support successful syndication.


YEARS of experience all packaged into three powerful days of intense learning …


As a stand-alone event, the Syndication Fast Start Training is only  …

$297 Standard Rate
Only $97 for SOSS Alumni


And if you actually use the training to successfully raise and deploy capital, you should EASILY recoup your investment on your very first syndication.




When you join Syndication Mentoring Club for an entire year at the Founders rate of only $4997 per individual or $7997 per 2-person partnership …

… you get the Syndication Fast-Start High-Intensity Training ONLINE event for FREE…



How to Win Funds and Influence People Sales Training Workshop

FREE for Syndication Mentoring Club members


TWO Secrets of Successful Syndication Seminars

Next:  September 25-26, 2020 in Dallas, Texas

FREE for Syndication Mentoring Club members



THREE all-day Syndication Mentoring Club live Meet-Ups

(includes training, panel discussions, and networking with advisors and Inner Circle members)



Unlimited Access to the Syndication Mentoring Club online platform


♦ A PRIVATE members-only Forum for on-line connection, networking, and peer-mentoring

♦ An SMC only blog with Clues in the News for Syndicators and other content specifically focused on educating, inspiring and equipping syndicators

♦ A growing library of audio, text, and video featuring real-world syndicators, technical advisors, and subject matter experts.



Your Founder’s Rate is Grandfathered for LIFE

Once the club hits critical mass, which is 200 active members … and the core scope and sequence of online training content is completed (there’s already a lot there) …

… the Founders Rate will END, and SMC annual dues will INCREASE to $9997 per individual and $14,997 per 2-person partnership.

However, YOUR Founders rate will be grand-fathered as a THANK YOU for believing early and providing the real-world feedback needed to create highly relevant training for the syndicators of the future.


That’s a TON of value for one low price of only $4997 per individual or $7997 per 2-person partnership!

So it’s decision time …

If you’re SERIOUS about your future as a successful syndicator … and we’re guessing you are because you’ve still reading … it’s time to take ACTION …


Click here NOW to JOIN THE CLUB and claim the Founders Rate for LIFE >>


Click here to register for the Syndication Fast-Start High-Intensity Training >>

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