Oil and gas are more than just commodities … They generate the energy that powers the economy.
The ripple effects of energy prices can be felt everywhere from construction costs to tenant affordability, increasing living expenses and influencing both rent prices and demand.
In this energy-focused episode, a third-generation producer and developer of American oil sits down with Robert for an in-depth look at how shifting energy policies and market fluctuations affect investors. They also explore how oil and gas investments can help hedge against these risks … And provide significant tax advantages for real estate investors.
With potential changes to energy policies on the horizon, understanding these dynamics is more important than ever. Tune in to discover how you can stay one step ahead in this energy-driven world!
In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your full-of-answers Host Robert Helms
Special Guests:
Guest: Jay Burr
Market Spotlight:
Chad Zdenek
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