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Boots-on-the-Ground Market Insights:

Are blind funds totally blind?
Are you best positioned to move quickly and get the best deals?

How much of the COVID-19 trainwreck will be permanent damage?

Russell Gray, co-host of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, talks with Mauricio Rauld to get a pulse on Real Estate Syndication Law and the flow of funds from the Fed to the Market.

Learn what’s happening … and could happen … in regards to:

Simply fill out the form below to access this edition of Boots-on-the-Ground Market Insights: Legal/Syndication …


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Practicing Safe Syndications: 3 Critical Legal Considerations

Practicing Safe Syndications: 3 Critical Legal Considerations

There’s nothing more terrifying to an investor than the threat of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). You need to ensure that your legal structures for doing business are immune to SEC stress. This thorough video presentation is an excellent guide for building a company that raises money for your investments AND keeps the SEC off your back!

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