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Podcast: Passive Investing – Fun and Profit for Busy People

Not everyone can or wants to be a full time investor …

Whether you’re juggling a demanding career or simply prefer a less hands-on approach, passive investing unlocks the door to the perks of real estate without monopolizing your time and energy.

In this episode, we’re thrilled to host Jim Sheils, a partner at Southern Impression Homes and a renowned author and public speaker. From choosing the right market to partnering with a reliable team, Jim shares first hand experience and strategies to help investors achieve steady cash flow, significant tax advantages, and robust long-term growth by passively investing in real estate.

Plus, Dana Samuelson stops by to discuss another glittering opportunity for investors in today’s Market Spotlight!

In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your full-of-answers Host Robert Helms

Broadcasting since 1997 with over 600 episodes on iTunes!

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