Cost Segregation Authority - Erik Oliver

Get a first-class cost segregation study from experts who have
conducted THOUSANDS of studies and saved their clients MILLIONS of dollars!

Since 2006, Erik Oliver and his team at Cost Segregation Authority have performed thousands of studies across all 50 states. Erik is a cost segregation expert … Saving millions of tax dollars for investors like YOU! 

The primary goal of a cost segregation study is to identify all costs that can be depreciated over a shorter tax life … Things like irrigation systems, retaining walls, tree & shrubs, carpet, countertops, cabinetry, window treatments, and more … 

Once identified, those assets can then be reclassified … Reducing current income tax obligations.

But not all studies are created equal. Cost Segregation Authority does one thing and one thing only … cost segregation. Their focus delivers unmatched experience. Get no-cost benefit analyses on all properties in 24 hours … with 100% of the work backed up by research and no-cost audit support for any items in the study. 

Your search for a first-class cost segregation study ends here!

Simply fill out the form below to contact Erik’s team …