People throughout history have been making fortunes in real estate – in good times and bad!

Read Equity Happens and discover not only what successful investors do, but how they think.  Because how you think will affect what you do, and what you do will determine the results you produce.

If you like The Real Estate Guys radio show, you’ll love Equity Happens!

Robert and Russ are masterful at taking seemingly complicated real estate concepts and making them totally understandable for the average consumer.  I now highly recommend Equity Happens to all my clients and readers.” – Judy Lawrence, Budget Coach and Best-selling Author of The Budget Kit Workbook

I have taken action with the knowledge I gained.  My net worth has more than doubled. Thank you!” – Tim H.

“Read this book! You’ll learn from it just as I did.” – Gary Eldred, Phd.,  Best Selling Author and Faculty Member, Trump University

If you’re looking to collapse time frames and create sustainable wealth, read Equity Happens… at least twice!” – Jim Rohn, world renowned business philosopher and author of The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle

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