June 11-14, 2025
Palm Springs, CA
Register Now and use code ‘GUYS50‘ for $50 off your registration!
FreedomFest producer Mark Skousen is considered among the top 20 most influential economists in the world today. We’re proud to say Mark joined us on our 2013 Investor Summit™ and has become a good friend. We’ve learned a LOT from Mark … And we’re sure you will too!
At FreedomFest, expert speakers bring fresh perspectives and insights to issues of the economy, finance, politics, liberty, rights, business, education, technology, art …
It’s a rewarding four-day conference like no other, with big debates, world-class speakers, film/music/comedy/arts festivals, social events, the “Tradeshow for Liberty,” and so much more.
FreedomFest bills itself as the world’s largest gathering of free minds … And we agree.
It’s where we’ve met many of the fabulous guests we’ve shared with our listeners over the years … Including Steve Forbes, Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, Chris Martenson, Peter Schiff and many, many others. They’ve been among our most popular interviews.
It’s also where we first heard about a strange new thing called Bitcoin … Deepened our understanding of economics … And discovered the important intersection between personal prosperity, property rights, and public policy.
Yes, FreedomFest can feel a little political … But over the years we’ve discovered that everyone we’ve ever met wants more personal freedom, more personal health, and more personal wealth.
For us, FreedomFest brings together a lot of people who disagree about a lot of things … But they share the common goal of promoting more personal health, wealth, and freedom.
We like it. And we think you will too!