Jacksonville Field Trip

September 13-15, 2024
Jacksonville, Florida

Register Now!

Individual Standard Registration Rate – $997

Standard Partnership Registration – $1,497

To be sure YOU get Priority Access Registration >>

“The Sunshine State” has recently received more than its fair share of businesses & population relocating from the northeast, which has created a HUGE opportunity for real estate investors … 

Forbes ranks Jacksonville as the 7th best city for future job growth and the 8th biggest city with the fastest growing economy.

Of course, markets aren’t one size fits all … but if residential 1-4 properties in an affordable, low tax, landlord-friendly state align with your Personal Investment Philosophy, we think you’ll love it too.

But why attend The Real Estate Guys™ Jacksonville Field Trip?

There’s a BIG difference between researching online and seeing a market with your own eyes … 

On the trip, you’ll get an up-close, hands-on, personal experience you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. You’ll feel the vibrancy of the city, observe the quality of the infrastructure, truly get a sense for the demographics … all things you just can’t do by simply searching online.

Plus, we’ll introduce you to our boots-on-the-ground team and visit with property managers and a build-to-rent builder with LOTS of inventory.

This is a highly time & cost-effective way to explore the market and get to know potential team members. 

And if you’ve never attended a seminar or trip with The Real Estate Guys™, you should know that this is strictly an educational market tour … There is no selling done on the trip. So don’t expect a “time-share experience”.

On the other hand, here’s what you can expect …

Arrive in Jacksonville by Thursday evening. We’ll gather for a welcome meet & greet, market overview presentation, and get to know each other better over dinner.

The next two days we’ll spend primarily on the bus covering not one, not two, but THREE different sub-markets in the area … Jacksonville, Palm Coast, and Ocala. We’ll look at the neighborhoods, economic drivers, product, and really develop an understanding of the demographic.

… And each night we’ll get together and do something fun, continuing the conversations. (Our market tours are GREAT networking opportunities!)

Sunday morning we’ll gather again for a debrief where we’ll talk about the pros & cons of the market, discuss opportunities, and have one last chance to hear from the teams before we head home.

And while you’re sure to leave with the relationships and knowledge you need to pack your portfolio full of cash-flowing properties, it’s up to you to take it from there …

There’s absolutely no pressure from us … or our speakers.

Back to why we think Jacksonville is interesting …

  • It’s BIG – Jacksonville is the largest city by land area in the contiguous United States … and it has the people to match! Since the 2000s, the population of Jacksonville has been inching steadily toward 1 million residents. That number is expected to increase exponentially with a population growth rate that is more than double that of the entire U.S.

  • It’s home to a large, stable, and reliable tenant pool – As of 2019, about 44 percent of the city’s current residents were renters … and that number is expected to remain stable. Employment stats mirror the population, with a job growth rate that in 2019 was 82 percent higher than the national average.

  • It’s business friendly – Many corporations and their employees call Jacksonville home … including Amazon, IKEA, Maxwell House, and Bank of America … and more move to the area every day.

  • It’s fun – The numbers aren’t the only thing that make the Jacksonville market an attractive place to both live and invest … Don’t forget about its pristine beaches, world-class museums, and lively entertainment!

This isn’t the typical “Florida retirement community” you may be picturing in your mind. Join The Real Estate Guys™ in Jacksonville to discover 840 square miles of investment opportunity and potential cash flow!

September 13-15, 2024
Jacksonville, Florida

Register Now!

Individual Standard Registration Rate – $997

Standard Partnership Registration – $1,497