The Future of Money and Wealth Masterclass Series
The economy may be strong …
but what about the financial system supporting it?
Discover the opportunities hidden inside a FRAGILE financial system … and how to HEDGE against inflation, deflation, and even stagflation
Featuring voice largely shunned by mainstream media, the Future of Money and Wealth reveals …
The REAL trade war no one’s talking about … and how Russia and China are making major moves to take down a major U.S. stronghold …
Which assets are in bubbles now … and specific strategies to fortify your balance sheet … before it’s too late …
The shocking truth about oil … it’s direct impact on YOUR wealth … and how to profit from what’s about to happen …
Who the new tax law REALLY helps … and how YOU can use it to grow more wealth faster (it’s NOT an IRA) …
PLUS … candid conversations about crypto-currencies … wealth privacy strategies … contingency planning … and MUCH MORE!
Just ONE good idea can make or save you a FORTUNE …
Future of Money and Wealth brings you a HUGE collection of experts, thought-leaders, and real-world investors … who ALL volunteered their time to share their best ideas, warnings, and strategies with over 400 people in the live audience …
Robert Kiyosaki
Famous for being the greatest-selling personal finance author in history (Rich Dad Poor Dad series), Robert is a mega-millionaire investor in real estate, precious metals, and oil. He’s also an avid student of money, economics, investing, and the financial system. He was one of the few pundits publicly warning the world about the 2008 financial crisis.
Doug Duncan
Doug is SVP and chief economist for Fannie Mae, which is perhaps the most dominant force in U.S. residential lending.Doug is responsible for strategic research, including how Fannie Mae’s activities affect housing. He’s been named one of Bloomberg / Business Week’s 50 Most Powerful People in Real Estate.
Peter Schiff
Peter’s also a multi-millionaire investor, money manager, and outspoken financial pundit.
A best-selling author in his own right (Crash Proof 2.0 and The Real Crash), like Robert Kiyosaki, Peter was on record vociferously alerting people in 2006 about the impending financial crisis.
Chris Martenson
An economic researcher and futurist, Chris is an expert in the relationship between energy, the environment, and economics. Rising to prominence with his groundbreaking video series, The Crash Course, Chris is a best-selling author (Prosper!) and hosts a popular podcast featuring interviews with a variety of thought leaders and experts.
Simon Black
A former Army intelligence officer turned international entrepreneur and investor, Simon’s a worldwide traveler, an avid student of political and financial history, and has developed an eclectic portfolio of investments and business ventures all over the globe.
Simon’s diverse experience and global perspectives make his presentations both practical and enlightening.
Tom Wheelwright
Tom’s a high energy tax and wealth strategist, a best-selling author, an entrepreneur … and is Robert Kiyosaki’s personal CPA.
Tom’s extremely well-versed in the new U.S. tax law and shares how investors can use it to build substantial wealth and permanently reduce taxes.
Kim Kiyosaki
Kim is a high-powered real estate investor, entrepreneur, and best-selling author of Rich Woman. She’s co-founder of the Rich Dad company and a popular speaker on the topics of investing,
entrepreneurship, and empowering women.
Kim co-hosts the Rich Dad radio show, and is an avid student of investing, economics, and personal development.
G. Edward Griffin
Ed is a renowned investigative journalist and best known for his epic and controversial book, The Creature from Jekyll Island – A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.
Ed has a deep and historical understanding of money, currency, central banking … and a knack for explaining all of it in an easy to understand way.
Brien Lundin
For nearly four decades, Brien’s been an active student, investor, commentator, and newsletter publisher in the precious metals industry.
As producer of the longest running investing conference in the world, Brien’s one of the most informed, connected, and intelligent experts on money, precious metals, mining, investing, and economics.
Future of Money and Wealth is brought to you by The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show
Broadcasting on conventional radio since 1997, The Real Estate Guys™ radio show is an investment talk program focusing on real estate as the core of a real asset portfolio.
After being among the many real estate investors caught completely unaware and unprepared for what happened in 2008 …
… hosts Robert Helms and Russell Gray are on a mission to bring the brightest and best real asset investing experts together to share insights, ideas, and strategies for building and preserving real, sustainable wealth.
The Real Estate Guys™ co-host Russell Gray explains why …
What YOU DON’T KNOW you don’t know can COST YOU BIG …
Sound dramatic? Maybe. But consider this …
Wealth Wiped Out Without Warning
In 1929, 1987, 2000 and 2008 … millions of people were financially DEVASTATED by market disruptions they didn’t even see coming.
Meanwhile, in those very same markets … informed and prepared investors not only survived … they THRIVED.
What’s the difference?
Be Careful Who You Listen To
Successful investors didn’t buy the hype from Wall Street, financial media, and politicians who downplay dangers … just so they can earn fees, placate advertisers, and win votes.
Remember this classic assurance?
“Importantly, we see no serious broader spillover to banks or thrift institutions from the problems in the subprime market.”
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on May 17, 2007
Oops. Of course, just a year later the financial system melted down … triggering the GREATEST FINANCIAL CRISIS since the Depression.
But successful investors back then understood history. They looked at the financial system underneath the “strong” economy … and saw reasons to be alarmed.
They paid attention to the people and signs others were ignoring …
… so they could be proactive to get in position to prosper while there’s still time.
TODAY, there are record levels of consumer, corporate, and government debt …
… and rising interest rates are already triggering loan defaults … to levels not seen since the 2008 crisis.
Stocks indexes are setting bubble highs … and market volatility suggests traders are ready to run for the exits … crashing prices … at the first sign of recession.
And that’s just some of the more obvious challenges facing Main Street investors.
But there’s GOOD news …
Many successful investors prospered through past market disruptions and YOU can too.
By finding new ideas, strategies, and the right experts you’re better able to see what’s coming sooner …
… so you can be proactive preparing YOUR business and portfolio to both survive and THRIVE through the next crisis.
Future of Money and Wealth brings YOU important insights from many top experts … so YOU can be more aware and prepared.
Eavesdrop on the Experts …
Imagine being a fly on the wall while some of the biggest brains in economics and investing share expert insights and discuss the most pressing issues facing investors today ..
You don’t have to imagine … because the Future of Money and Wealth is all on videotape and ready for YOU to watch from the comfort of your own home or office!
Just ONE good idea can make or save you a FORTUNE …
Explore the future of money and wealth with people well-qualified to have an opinion …
Speakers include Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki and outspoken financial pundit and money manager Peter Schiff.
Both men are famous for LOUDLY warning the 2008 crash was coming … in spite of being mocked by mainstream financial media.
Back then the economy was STRONG … but the financial system was FRAGILE. And while many “experts” couldn’t see it … Kiyosaki and Schiff did.
And while Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke was DEAD WRONG … Robert Kiyosaki and Peter Schiff were RIGHT.
Today Robert Kiyosaki and Peter Schiff are concerned again. And this time they’re not alone.
Fannie Mae (yes, THAT Fannie Mae … the one making most of the mortgages in the U.S.) chief economist Doug Duncan points out that most of his predictions from last year turned out to be eerily accurate …
… and then reveals when he thinks the NEXT recession will strike (it’s not that far away …)
And that’s just one of TWENTY powerful expert presentations and panels recorded at the Future of Money and Wealth conference.
Other important topics include …
Where real estate is likely headed … and which niches are best positioned for profit
Why oil and gas are likely headed higher … and the important impact on the economy and opportunity for investors
The fascinating rise of block-chain technology … and how crypto-currencies are changing the future of money and wealth
… PLUS a shocking revelation about the RAGING currency war between the U.S. and the tag team of Russia and China.
Far Away But TOO Close to Home …
You’ll discover there’s a WHOLE LOT MORE to the sparring between Uncle Sam and Russia and China than the mainstream media lets on.
And while it may seem like it’s far away from YOUR income and investments … it’s NOT.
If you earn, save, or measure your wealth in dollars …
… you REALLY need to understand the Future of Money and Wealth.
Nearly 400 people in the live audience at the Future of Money and Wealth conference were blown away. They called it “life-changing”, “eye-opening”, and “invaluable”.
But don’t take our word for it … watch for yourself …
Here’s the GREAT NEWS …
We videotaped the ENTIRE event … all TWENTY presentations and panels …
… nearly fourteen compelling hours of essential education …
… and we’ve organized them all into one powerful online video series.
All for less than $25 per video. That’s a DEAL!
Now YOU can hear directly about the Future of Money and Wealth from Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Schiff, Doug Duncan, Chris Martenson, Tom Wheelwright, Brien Lundin, Simon Black, G. Edward Griffin … and MANY other top experts.
You may not know who all these people are right now … but you’ll be REALLY glad to hear from them.
Their wisdom is impacting the lives of many millions of people all around the world … and it can help you too.
Real World Investors React …
It’s one thing to hear and understand what’s happening in geo-politics and macro-economics. It’s another to decide what to DO about it at the micro-level.
So we included lots of practical insights from a great collection of niche experts, including …
Adam Taggart
Adam started his career as investment banker and saw first hand how broken Wall Street is. Later, he helped a company go from start up to acquisition in Silicon Valley. Today, Adam and his partner Chris Martenson develop and share ideas to help people prosper even when the world is full of uncertainty.
Kathy Fettke
Kathy’s a highly successful real estate investor, syndicator, and investment club leader.
She’s also a frequently featured expert real estate pundit in media and at conferences.
Gene Guarino
Gene’s a recognized leader in the residential assisted living facilities investing space. He’s a trained, but not practicing Certified Financial Planner. Gene saw opportunity in solving one of the major problems facing an aging demographic … and grabbed it.
Beth Clifford
Armed with a formal education in classical economics and graduating with honors, Beth cut her business teeth on the streets of Wall Street.
Today she’s CEO of a groundbreaking offshore real estate development and construction company.
Brad Sumrok
Brad freed himself from the corporate grind in less than 5 years by investing in apartment buildings.
The 2008 financial crisis crushed many homeowners … and made many apartment investors multi-millionaires. Brad not only built a portfolio that survived the crash … he thrived through it.
David Sewell
David is a Canadian-born international agricultural investor and entrepreneur operating in Latin America.
With an MBA in Corporate Finance and an extensive background in real estate, securities, syndication, and international business … there’s not much David hasn’t seen.
Damion Lupo
Damion is a modern-day financial renaissance man with expertise in real estate investing, precious metals, and crypto-currencies. He specializes in strategies using alternative assets and sheltering wealth from predators and taxes through Enhanced Qualified Retirement Plans.
Patrick Donohoe
Patrick is a financial strategist and an expert in the unique use of life insurance contracts for enhanced cash management and private banking.
He has a degree in economics, hosts his own financial podcast, and is an avid student of economics, investing, and financial history.
Dana Samuelson
Dana has been in the precious metals business for decades.
He owns and operates a long-established precious metals and numismatic coin dealership, and is past-President of the Professional Numismatic Guild.
It’s said to truly understand a subject, you need to study it from multiple perspectives.
Wealth that took a lifetime to accumulate can be lost or severely diminished in a financial crisis.
To survive and thrive when a financial system collapses or resets takes understanding, awareness and preparation. Future of Money and Wealth is an affordable, fun, and easy way to get started!
A tremendous value …
This program cost MANY thousands of dollars to produce. With travel, hotel and registration … every person at the taping paid thousands.
And the information in this video series is EASILY worth thousands of dollars … because just ONE great idea can make or save you a FORTUNE.
So we could charge a LOT more for this program … and it would be totally worth it.
And of course, we need to charge SOMETHING to cover costs … AND more importantly, so you have enough skin in the game that you’ll actually watch it all.
But as you’ll see … it’s important to get this vital information out to as many people as possible. So we’re making it a no-brainer …
Get ALL 20 videos … 14 hours of compelling content … for only $497 (regularly $1997)
Less than $25 per video!
PLUS a SPECIAL BONUS when you act today … the Strategic Real Asset Investing Masterclass Series.
HUGE value … great price … powerful, life-changing information. But ONLY if you watch it!
Remember … what you don’t know that you don’t know could cost you a fortune … just ask all the people blind-sided by the last financial crisis.
“An investment in education pays the best dividend.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Good advice. No wonder Ben’s on the $100 bill.
Now it’s decision time …
You’ve read this far for a reason.
You’re concerned about the future … YOUR future … but while it’s easy to be interested, it takes an investment of time, money and effort to actually get educated and busy implementing.
But if you think that’s a burden …
Consider the price of NOT being informed and prepared …
And even if “this time it’s different” (famous last words) …
.. and there’s never going to be another financial crisis … sunshine and unicorns for as far as the eye can see …
Which is worse … to be prepared and not have a crisis … or to have a crisis and not be prepared?
Remember, the course you don’t watch can’t help.
Whatever you have, you’ve worked hard for.
And remember … the flip side of a crisis is opportunity, so it’s not gloomy … there’s a lot to look forward to and plan for.
For the informed and prepared … the future is bright. But for those who aren’t … not so much.
With the stakes this high, it’s time to …
To your prepared and prosperous future,
Robert Helms
The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show
Producers of Future of Money and Wealth
P.S. Think about how much financial education you got in school. Most people get NONE … and so they’re easily herded into a system designed to feed the banks interest, the government taxes, and Wall Street commissions and fees.
Worse, without context … it’s nearly impossible to recognize major problems forming … while bankers, politicians, and financial media claim all is well.
Future of Money and Wealth will shock and enlighten you … and help you prepare yourself and your portfolio to PROSPER through what many experts believe is an inevitable economic re-set.
You’re a click away from changing your future …
Get ALL 20 videos … 14 hours of compelling content … for only $497 (regularly $1997)
Less than $25 per video!
PLUS a SPECIAL BONUS when you act today … the Strategic Real Asset Investing Masterclass Series.
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