Investor Registry
One of the biggest challenges facing "alternative"
investors, real estate and otherwise, is getting into the deal flow.
Sure, you can get a stock trading app and sit in your crib or highchair and “invest” in publicly traded securities in the Wall Street casinos…
But if you’re sick and tired of Wall Street’s high-frequency shenanigans, and would prefer real assets to paper assets, then finding those deals can be a bit of a challenge.
We have GREAT news!
Thanks to recent changes in SEC regulations, more purveyors of “private placements” are bringing their deals directly to accredited investors.
To learn more about this exciting development, click here for a free report.
But before you go…be sure to get on our Investor Registry.
It’s like when you’re getting married. You can register and tell all your guests what kinds of gifts you want. That way you don’t end up with all kinds of junk you can’t use.
Once you’re registered, when we find opportunities through our large and growing network, we’ll send you a quick note…but ONLY about the kinds of opportunities you’ve told us you’re interested in.
No spam. No irrelevant information. Just the “good” deals!
It’s only $97 a year to join and you can unsubscribe from any or all opportunity types at any time. No one will waste your time sending you things you’re not interested in.
So click here now and invest a few minutes in completing the profile (nothing too personal).
Join now and the first year membership fee is waived!
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