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Tom Wheelwright on the Future of Taxes and Wealth

Tom Wheelwright CPA reveals …Tom Wheelwright CPA is Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Advisor for Taxes

The truth about the Trump tax reform bill

Why Trump doesn’t pay taxes

How YOU can LEGALLY reduce YOUR taxes …
and why the government WANTS you to!

Tom Wheelwright CPA is Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki’s personal CPA and one of his Rich Dad Advisors.

Tom is a world-renowned expert on taxes and the best-selling author of Tax Free Wealth.

After the Trump tax reform bill passed, Tom joined Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and a first-class faculty of financial experts for the Future of Money and Wealth conference.

Tom’s presentation AMAZED the crowd.

In fact, one investor took just ONE tax tip from Tom and used it to cut his tax bill by SIX-FIGURES!

Fortunately, we video-taped Tom’s entire presentation and now YOU can watch it all … for only $27

Seriously.  Only $27.  That’s what we call a “no-brainer”.

After all, Tom’s presentation is over 40 minutes long.

Tom explodes the myths about why taxes exist … and reveals who taxes are designed to reward … and who they’re designed to punish.

Best of all, Tom explains how YOU can make a few simple moves and IMMEDIATELY SAVE THOUSANDS  in taxes.

All for only $27

This just might be the BEST investment you ever make …

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