As real estate investors, it’s easy to get caught up in the housing market …
… but no asset is an island. Our investments swim in a larger economic sea, and precious metals can serve as a powerful barometer for what’s happening in that ecosystem. With gold continuing its remarkable climb, what does it mean for investors, and how could it impact your investments?
Today we’re thrilled to welcome back Brien Lundin, the mastermind behind the Gold Newsletter and producer of the renowned New Orleans Investment Conference. We’ll dive into the basics of investing in precious metals, exploring their role in a real estate investor’s portfolio. Plus, we’ll discuss how movements in metals affect the broader market—and what that could mean for real estate investors like you.
So grab your headphones and get ready to mine some golden insights! And stick around as we take a trip to an exciting city in Alabama for our Market Spotlight.
In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your full-of-answers Host Robert Helms
Special Guests:
Brien Lundin
Market Spotlight:
Jason Hartman
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