raw land

1/11/15: Dirt to Dollars – Investing in Raw Land that Cash Flows

1/11/15: Dirt to Dollars – Investing in Raw Land that Cash Flows

Best-selling author James Rickards (Currency Wars and The Death of Money) recommends land as a place to store and protect wealth from the dangers of paper currencies. In spite of the recent blip up, the dollar has a 100 year history of going DOWN, so it probably makes sense to “sell” dollars when they’re “high” […]

1/11/15: Dirt to Dollars – Investing in Raw Land that Cash Flows Read More »

5/18/14: Lots of Real Estate – Strategies for Investing in Land

5/18/14: Lots of Real Estate – Strategies for Investing in Land

Land investing is a very unique aspect of real estate investing.  Raw land typically doesn’t provide income or tax breaks.  And without a tenant to make the payments, there’s no amortized equity.  Besides, with no income, borrowing to buy land can be risky business. So why do it? Well, as you might suspect, there are…lots

5/18/14: Lots of Real Estate – Strategies for Investing in Land Read More »