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Podcast: Make More Money and Pay Less Tax – One of the Best Tools for Real Estate Investors

While investment philosophies differ, most investors share a common goal … Acquiring more properties and increasing profits. 

So instead of letting taxes erode earnings and stunt portfolio growth, savvy investors opt to tap into the power of the tax code. In this episode, we shine a light on one particularly tax-saving tool that allows investors to swap one property for another and defer taxes.

This powerful strategy can help investors leverage dollars that would otherwise be spent on taxes, but because it only works if complex rules and timelines outlined by the IRS are met, professional guidance is recommended. 

Tune in as we explore the 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange with Scott Saunders, an investor and Qualified Intermediary who has successfully overseen more than 200,000 of these transactions.

And don’t miss an insightful update on the world of Residential Assisted Living with Isabelle Guarino in today’s Market Spotlight!

In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your Host Robert Helms

Broadcasting since 1997 with over 600 episodes on iTunes!

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