There is no greater wealth than the ability to improve the lives of others. That said, most would admit that money plays a pretty big role in our daily lives and aspirations too.
These two points lead us to the fascinating aspect of real estate we’ll explore today: The opportunity it provides its investors to make both a positive impact on society and financial returns.
In this enlightening episode, Robert introduces Randy and Jana Hubbs, a dynamic husband and wife team with a passion to transform lives through their investments. Tune in as they uncover how they’re helping solve the critical shortage of housing for people with special needs … While also generating above-market rents on ordinary single-family homes.
In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your full-of-answers Host Robert Helms
Special Guests:
Randy & Jana Hubbs
Market Spotlight:
Sepehr Bekam
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The Real Estate Guys™ radio show and podcast provides real estate investing news, education, training, and resources to help real estate investors succeed.