credit market

Newsfeed: Here Are Some Things The Fed Will Break If It ‘Contains Inflation’

Newsfeed: Here Are Some Things The Fed Will Break If It ‘Contains Inflation’

Investors globally are wondering – after CPI sent the ‘peak inflation’ narrative to the bottom of the ocean and Powell’s Jackson Hole speech (and this FOMC statement and press conference) crushed the ‘Fed Pivot’ narrative – what other potential indicators/signals (aside from a multi-month slowdown in inflation of course) could prompt Powell and his pals to back off their uber-hawkishness?

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Newsfeed: Stock Panic Spreads To Credit: Goldman Halts CMBS Deal Due To Surging Market Volatility

Newsfeed: Stock Panic Spreads To Credit: Goldman Halts CMBS Deal Due To Surging Market Volatility

While Powell may remain oblivious to the stock market turmoil crushing momo daytraders and billionaire Tiger cub “hedge funds” who have no idea how to trade when the Fed is not propping up their books, once the equity chaos spreads to bonds and other credit products, that’s when the Fed always begins to panic.

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