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freedom fest

08/02/15:  Investing Inspiration and Enlightenment from Freedom Fest

08/02/15: Investing Inspiration and Enlightenment from Freedom Fest

Freedom is more than just an ideal.  It’s a powerful force which inspires super-human effort, creativity and sacrifice. Freedom is what inspires many real estate investors to invest time and risk capital.  They want to be financially free. In our 6th annual pilgrimage to Freedom Fest, we met several very interesting people…each of whom have a […]

08/02/15: Investing Inspiration and Enlightenment from Freedom Fest Read More »

9/28/14: Your International Economic Plan

9/28/14: Your International Economic Plan

The world’s economy is growing ever more global. Is yours? Governments, corporations and wealthy investors have been investing globally for decades.  Even Mom & Pop paper asset investors practice international diversification through foreign stocks, bonds and currencies. But real estate investors tend to be very geographically focused.  Many only invest in the particular area they

9/28/14: Your International Economic Plan Read More »

8/17/14: Property Rights – The Foundation of Prosperity

8/17/14: Property Rights – The Foundation of Prosperity

The ability to own private property is the foundation for building wealth with real estate…or anything else for that matter. But what is “ownership” without control?  And what happens when society’s needs and desires slam up against individual rights? Conflict. Sometimes it’s just heated debate and angry rhetoric.  Often, it ends up in litigation with

8/17/14: Property Rights – The Foundation of Prosperity Read More »

7/28/13: From the Floor at Freedom Fest – Coffee, Coins and Capital Controls

7/28/13: From the Floor at Freedom Fest – Coffee, Coins and Capital Controls

The real estate we love to invest in floats in an economic sea teeming with other financial and political life forms.  And each of these denizens of the dollar (after all, the greenback is the world’s reserve currency…at least for now), have an impact on the overall financial ecology.  There are symbiotic relationships, predators and

7/28/13: From the Floor at Freedom Fest – Coffee, Coins and Capital Controls Read More »

9/9/12: Rhetoric and Reality – A Look at the History of Economic Policy

9/9/12: Rhetoric and Reality – A Look at the History of Economic Policy

As the U.S. presidential elections rapidly approach, there’s a lot of talk about economics and economic policy.  You probably noticed. At their convention, the Democrats invoked the spirit (and oration) of ex-President Bill Clinton.  The GOP conjures up wistful visions of Reagonomics.  Dire predictions of fiscal cliffs, debt-ceilings, defaults, hyper-inflation, depression, civil unrest and other

9/9/12: Rhetoric and Reality – A Look at the History of Economic Policy Read More »

7/22/12: A Midsummer Investor’s Dream – Housing, Jobs, Consumer Confidence and Economics

7/22/12: A Midsummer Investor’s Dream – Housing, Jobs, Consumer Confidence and Economics

Bad news for housing can be great news for investors.  But it means seeing a bigger picture and exploring the dichotomy of mainstream news and main street reality.  Alas, we thinketh such contemplations requireth aid.  But fear not! Behind the microphones to help you sorteth it all out: The Bard of broadcasting , host Robert

7/22/12: A Midsummer Investor’s Dream – Housing, Jobs, Consumer Confidence and Economics Read More »

5/27/12: Economics, Politics and Freedom – Making Financial Decisions in an Election Year

5/27/12: Economics, Politics and Freedom – Making Financial Decisions in an Election Year

What do The Federal Reserve, the IRS, the income tax, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, HUD, the mortgage interest deduction, Section 8, accelerated depreciation, the 1031 tax deferred exchange and our personal “favorite”, inflation, ALL have in common? Each of them are creatures of politicians.  Of course, we could add to this list (for days),

5/27/12: Economics, Politics and Freedom – Making Financial Decisions in an Election Year Read More »

8/14/11: August and the Economy Part 2 – Perspectives from Two Men Who Would Be President

8/14/11: August and the Economy Part 2 – Perspectives from Two Men Who Would Be President

So it’s not every day you get to sit down with a bona fide presidential candidate face to face and ask whatever you want.  In our case, we got to do it TWICE in one day!  Very fun. Now whatever you political bent, the issue isn’t what YOU think SHOULD happen.  What we’re interested in

8/14/11: August and the Economy Part 2 – Perspectives from Two Men Who Would Be President Read More »

8/15/10: How Capitalism Will Save Us – An Interview with Steve Forbes

8/15/10: How Capitalism Will Save Us – An Interview with Steve Forbes

The Real Estate Guys™ sit down and talk with Steve Forbes about jobs, the economy and real estate. We don’t know about you, but any time a billionaire, a CEO of a major company, a best selling author or a legit presidential candidate is willing to sit down and chat, our response is always, “Yes!”.  

8/15/10: How Capitalism Will Save Us – An Interview with Steve Forbes Read More »

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