Hong Kong

Newsfeed: China tells state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree as Beijing’s prior interventions have failed to stem its currency’s worst year since 1994

Newsfeed: China tells state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree as Beijing’s prior interventions have failed to stem its currency’s worst year since 1994

The People’s Bank of China has told major state-run banks to prepare to shed dollar holdings while snapping up offshore yuan, which has continued to fall despite prior interventions, sources told Reuters.

Newsfeed: China tells state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree as Beijing’s prior interventions have failed to stem its currency’s worst year since 1994 Read More »

Squish Happens

Most people believe bubbles “burst”.  When people talk about the decline of tech stock values at the turn of the century, they say “the tech bubble burst”.  Of course, lately it’s all about the “real estate bubble” bursting.  Over the last two years, The Real Estate Guys™ have taken some criticism over one of our

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