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Podcast: Current Market Concerns for Real Estate Investor

Podcast: Current Market Concerns for Real Estate Investor

As markets change, we as investors have to change too. That said, knowing what adjustments to make isn’t always easy … Especially for those who are relatively new to the game. So when shift happens, learning from the folks who’ve lived through it before can have a huge impact on your approach … And your outcome.

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Podcast: Using Tax Strategies to Not Just Save, but Make Money

Podcast: Using Tax Strategies to Not Just Save, but Make Money

In the words of Ben Franklin, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes …” But tax time doesn’t have to be as unnerving as the former. Armed with the knowledge that taxation is one of the most powerful tools for wealth creation, our guest today helps investors take advantage of the tax code … Keeping millions of dollars per year in their pockets and out of the hands of Uncle Sam.

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