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The REAL lesson from the short-lived attack on silver …

The REAL lesson from the short-lived attack on silver …

The David versus Goliath saga of Robinhood day traders has alerted Main Street that Wall Street is a rigged game … in favor of club members. And it seems Main Streeters aren’t in the club. But while the GameStop run was fun to watch, the silver spectacle is MUCH more interesting for reasons we’ll explain momentarily. Most real […]

The REAL lesson from the short-lived attack on silver … Read More »

To stimulate or not to stimulate … that is the question

To stimulate or not to stimulate … that is the question

As political pundits debate debating, financial pundits are watching the 3D tennis match between President Trump, Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Powell. As discussed last time, this trio has been volleying stimulus demands back and forth for quite a while … even though the last round of stimulus ran out. Despite all this political pandemic pandering … so far, it’s not

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2/20/11: The Coming Wave of Inflation – Profiting When the Levee Breaks

2/20/11: The Coming Wave of Inflation – Profiting When the Levee Breaks

Central banks around the world have been pumping “liquidity” into their respective economies since 2008. In the USA, the Fed has gone through two rounds of “Quantitative Easing” (QE1 and QE2) and has been talking about a third.  Meanwhile, the government is piling up debt at a record pace. What does it all mean?  And

2/20/11: The Coming Wave of Inflation – Profiting When the Levee Breaks Read More »

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