3/10/13: The 11th Annual Investor Summit at Sea Broadcast

Listen in as Peter Schiff, Ken McElroy, Tom Wheelwright, Josh and Lisa Lannon and the rest of the 2013 Investor Summit at Sea™ faculty share their reflections on the 11th annual event!

It’s hard to believe we’ve done eleven annual Summits so far.  We thought we’d never top last year’s 10th anniversary extravaganza which featured Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and G. Edward Griffin.  Yet, many of the folks who also attended 2012, said this year’s edition was even better!  WOW.  That’s high praise.

So what keeps so many super successful, highly sought after, hyper-busy people coming back year after year?  And how is it that we continue to attract great new faculty each year?  Most importantly, what can you learn about success from the contemplations of our faculty?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Sharing the microphones aboard the Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas on our final day of the 11th annual Summit:

  • Your intrepid skipper and host, Robert Helms
  • The first mate and co-host, Russell Gray
  • First time Summit Faculty Member, Euro-Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff
  • Four time Summit Faculty Member and Rich Dad Advisor for real estate, Ken McElroy
  • Two time Summit Faculty Member and Rich Dad Advisor for taxes, Tom Wheelwright CPA
  • Two time Summit Faculty Members (but 3 time Summiteers!) and Rich Dad Advisors for Social Capitalism, Josh and Lisa Lannon
  • Three time Summit Faculty Member and CEO of Paradigm Life, Patrick Donohoe
  • First time Summit Faculty Member, economist Dr. Robert Murphy
  • First time Summit Faculty Member (2nd time Summiteer), Belize real estate broker, John Turley
  • Eight time Summit Faculty Member, international real estate developer, Beth Clifford
  • Eleven time Summit Faculty Member, the Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms

Obviously, with a huge faculty panel (and this wasn’t everyone!) and only 60 minutes to share, this broadcast is a collection of top of mind reactions to an amazing week together with dozens of investors from around the world.  No matter how hard we try to describe the Summit experience, until you’ve been you’ll never quite get it.  There’s nothing like it.

So listen for yourself as these enthusiastic faculty members share their thoughts and feelings about the what and why of the 2013 Summit.  Then make YOUR plans to be a part of the 12th Annual Investor Summit at Sea™ on March 22nd.

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