The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed and delivers top content every week with our real estate podcast.

If you’ve ever tried jogging, mowing the lawn or driving to work with your computer on your ear, you already know that iPods and smart phones are far more convenient.  Now you can load up your mp3 player with the latest and greatest episodes of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show!

But be sure to take us to the gym because we REALLY need the workout… and we hate doing chores. 🙂  Of course, you can always use iTunes to listen to podcasts on your computer while you open mail, file, or work on boring projects.  We’ll make it fun!

Fun and informative, this real estate investment talk show has been broadcasting on conventional radio since 1997. Hosted by professional investor Robert Helms and financial strategist Russell Gray, the show delivers no-hype education and expert perspectives in a fast-paced, entertaining style.

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says. “The Real Estate Guys are wild and crazy, but they really know what they are talking about.”

The Guys talk investment strategy, economics, tax and asset protection planning, market and property due diligence, international diversification and much, much more!

Gain valuable insights from interviews with notable experts, industry leaders and real life investors. Discover proven strategies for making money with real estate in any market, how to avoid common and costly mistakes and what is working in the real world right now.

Relevant topics, credible guests, upbeat delivery and no sales hype have made The Real Estate Guysone of the most listened to real estate talk shows in the world. Check it out! There is a new episode released every week, so be sure to subscribe today!

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