4/7/13: Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students – Robert Kiyosaki Looks at Education

Robert Kiyosaki describes his new book, Why A Students Work for C Students as “the most important book I’ve ever written.”  That’s quite a statement when you consider that Kiyosaki is the best-selling financial author in the history of the world!

So what makes this book so important?

To find out, we jumped into our semi-private jet (the one we share with about 135 other Southwest Airlines passengers) and headed out to sunny Phoenix, Arizona to pay a visit on Robert Kiyosaki.

Robert and his wife Kim were kind enough to welcome us into their home, where we pulled out the mobile microphones and set up shop in one of the most awesome man caves we’ve ever seen.

Behind the microphones for this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show:

  • Your manly host, Robert Helms
  • Your caveman co-host, Russell Gray
  • A man who never caves, best selling author Robert Kiyosaki

It’s no secret the U.S. economy is struggling right now.  The most recent jobs report showed only 88,000 net new jobs created in March.  Not only is that a weak result, it’s nowhere near enough to keep up with the number of job seekers entering the market.  Not good.  Our experience is that tenants who actually have jobs are much more likely to pay the rent. 😉

Robert Kiyosaki contends that we don’t have a financial crisis.  Instead, he says, we have an education crisis.  Kiyosaki says the big problem is the world’s educational system is designed to mass produce job seekers.  But what we really need are job creators.

And while Kiyosaki agrees that burdensome regulation, oppressive taxation and a broken banking system all make it worse, the root problem is a system that crushes the creative spirit of potential entrepreneurs.

What does this have to do with real estate investing?  After all, that’s what The Real Estate Guys™ show is all about.

We get questions all the time about creative real estate.  It’s an alluring topic that’s made many late night real estate investing infomercial gurus lots of money over the years.  So obviously, developing and maintaining a creative mindset should be a high priority for any investor.

And if you were trained in conventional education to stay inside the lines, avoid making mistakes and always drive toward the one predetermined “right answer”, then you may also find yourself struggling with the creative side of real estate investing.

Of course, the first step toward solving a problem is recognizing it’s root cause.  Why A Students Work for C Students may provide some helpful insights into the mental and emotional conditioning that may be hindering your creative spirit.

But more than that, Kiyosaki says this book is a tool to be used to help parents and all concerned adults help a child discover and cultivate their inner entrepreneur and/or investor.

He also tells us that “C” stands for “Capitalist”.  A true capitalist finds new and better ways to deliver more and better products to meet the needs of the market for a lower price.  When they succeed, their business grows and they need to employ more people (directly or indirectly) to help them.  Can you think of anything the economy needs more than capitalists right now?

Yet Kiyosaki tells us that “capitalist” has become a dirty word associated with greed, selfishness and corruption.  But, he says, there’s a big difference between pure capitalism and the crony capitalism associated with Washington DC and Wall Street.

Our take on what Kiyosaki is saying is that capitalism is the solution, but an ineffective educational system is hindering our development of capitalists.

So once  again, Robert Kiyosaki is putting forth a controversial message.  But it’s one that he is convinced the world, and especially the U.S., needs to hear.  Like it or not.

As entrepreneurs and investors, we like it.  We think if more job creators are raised up, the economy will become strong and vibrant once again.  That means more jobs for our tenants, more demand for our properties, and more prosperity for everyone right down to the entry level workers through more production of better goods for less money. What’s not to like about that?

So tune in as we talk capitalism and education with Robert Kiyosaki.

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