5/29/11: Freedom and Prosperity – Celebrating Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! We decided this was the perfect day to reflect upon two of fundamental rights which make up the essence of freedom:  the right to own property, and the right to free speech.

After all, Memorial Day is about remembering the sacrifices made by the brave men and women throughout U.S. history who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice defending the U.S. Constitution – and the rights the Constitution protects.  And even though our audience has grown worldwide, most people around the world recognize and appreciate the role the U.S. has had in promoting freedom, directly and indirectly.  Yes, the U.S. has its detractors – and certainly it isn’t perfect, but when it comes to property rights and freedom of speech, the U.S. has played a huge role.

So for this episode, we invited back a man who is the producer of a large convention where people gather to study, discuss and debate issues pertaining to individual freedom.

Featuring freedom lovers:

  • Host and free speaker, Robert Helms
  • Indentured co-host, Russell Gray
  • Special guest, Freedom Fest promoter, economist and author, Dr. Mark Skousen

In our quest for knowledge about the economics of real estate, we paid a visit to the Freedom Fest convention in July 2010.  We weren’t sure what to expect, but we came away very impressed.  While the event clearly carries political undertones, it’s a lot more about the ideas and principles that should matter to everyone who values freedom of speech and property rights.  As real estate and radio guys, we’re clearly in both camps, so we’ve decided to go back to Dr. Skousen’s Freedom Fest 2011 this July.  We’ve already heard from several listeners who plan to join us there, so we invited Dr. Skousen to give us a preview of what he has planned.

It’s easy to get caught up in the technical aspects of real estate investing and the deals and details that dominate our daily lives.  We think it’s good to take a time out from all of that, and just chat about the bigger picture that makes our dreams of real estate riches possible.  So listen in and consider the importance of free speech and private property rights to your own hopes and dreams.  And then give thanks for all the people that have sacrificed to secure those blessings for you.

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