Podcast: What We’re Watching in the World, the Economy and the Real Estate Sectors

Hockey star Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been …”

In the world of real estate, investors are strapping in for what looks to be a rollercoaster ride of a year. From election dynamics to navigating headwinds, tailwinds, and a landscape teeming with both opportunities and challenges, the stakes are high.

While we can’t predict the future, our ‘more seasoned’ perspective has honed our ability to read the tea leaves and identify individuals with the Gretzky-type of wisdom that only comes from experience … much like our guest today.

So, secure a front-row seat to the future of real estate as we engage in a captivating conversation with our good friend, Entrepreneur & Bestselling Author Ken McElroy!


In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, hear from:
Your Forward-Thinking Host, Robert Helms
His Backwards Co-host, Russell Gray

Special Guest:
Real Estate Entrepreneur & Bestselling Author, Ken McElroy


Broadcasting since 1997 with over 600 episodes on iTunes!

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