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chris martenson

Podcast: The Road Ahead – A Candid Conversation with Dr. Chris Martenson

Podcast: The Road Ahead – A Candid Conversation with Dr. Chris Martenson

 Peak Prosperity founder Dr. Chris Martenson has been on the cutting edge of revealing the fragility of a financial system dependent on perpetual growth while operating in a world of limited resources. It sounds wonky, but it simply means the world is likely to experience inflation and shortages … kind of like we’re having

Podcast: The Road Ahead – A Candid Conversation with Dr. Chris Martenson Read More »

Pandemic, policies, preferences, prejudices, and YOUR portfolio …

Pandemic, policies, preferences, prejudices, and YOUR portfolio …

We’re nearing the end of a marathon of back-to-back-to-back conferences. The world is different … but life goes on … both online and now back on the road. When we started this year at our Create Your Future™ goal setting workshop, little did we know how BIZARRE and DISCONCERTING 2020 would become. Yet here we are … still

Pandemic, policies, preferences, prejudices, and YOUR portfolio … Read More »

Podcast: Chaos and Opportunity in the New Decade

The investing landscape looks laced with landmines as we enter the new decade. Although problems and instability are nothing new, each generation faces their own variation. In this episode, we visit with Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity to take a look at the under-reported but extraordinarily significant activities of the Federal Reserve … and

Podcast: Chaos and Opportunity in the New Decade Read More »

Can you handle the truth?

“You can’t handle the truth!”   – Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men Neither optimists or pessimists can handle the truth.Optimists refuse to acknowledge the part of reality that’s negative … … while pessimists can’t see the ever-present opportunities hidden behind the problems. While we’d rather be optimistic than pessimistic, maybe it’s better to be BOTH.“The

Can you handle the truth? Read More »

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