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Shore up your portfolio by investing
in domestic oil production.

Demand for oil survives every crisis … and recent technology innovations and improved efficiency have dramatically reduced production costs. That means NOW is the perfect time to invest in oil.

The team at PANEX uses cutting-edge technology to find and extract previously undiscovered oil. Get a cut of the profits … without getting your hands dirty.

Whether you like it or not, we are all in the oil business. 

It’s simple: To live in the modern world, we all must pay for oil and the thousands of products it is used to create. For most, this is a constant stream of out-of-pocket household earnings without the potential of that flow ever reversing and coming back to you.

As third-generation producers and developers of American Oil, we at PANEX have spent a lifetime turning this business we all pay for into a revenue stream and tax shelter for hundreds of Americans from coast to coast. 

With more than 250 years of cumulative experience, we have an intimate knowledge of American Oil and have used that experience to save our partners millions in taxes, all while generating them millions in revenue by producing and developing American Oil!!!

Oil generates more wealth than any other single investment class … and oil investment remains the last great tax shelters in the U.S.

The U.S. tax code allows you to deduct up to 85 percent of your domestic oil investment in the first year. When you invest in America, America invests in you!

Through Reg D 506(C) offerings, PANEX’s partners can maximize the benefits of producing American Oil Reserves by participating directly in the development of these properties, generating tremendous tax savings in the process.

Oil may not be the first thing you think of when you think of real estate investing … but oil is a REAL asset, and one that consistently has high demand.

Invest in American Oil … AND diversify your investment portfolio.

We’re proud to have RJ join us on board our annual Investor Summit™ … we’re big fans of real assets, and we’re big fans of people who know their stuff and want to SHARE that knowledge with other investors.

Now YOU can meet our friend, oil expert and President of PANEX … Mr. RJ Burr!

Simply complete the form below to contact his team and receive a short video message from PANEX.


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