Boots-on-the-Ground Market Insights:
Build to Rent Four-Plexes
Get into multifamily investing at wholesale prices
and great cap rates in any economic cycle!
In this episode of Boots-on-the-Ground, Russell Gray, co-host of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, talks with Steve Olson, of Fourplex Investment Group to take a close look at both macro and micro trends while gaining insight into the ‘new normal’ of multi-family homes and opportunity zones.
We hear about favorable tax treatment, pandemic related price fluctuation, property taxes and construction material rates.
Are these all components to a temporary phenomenon or is this holding strong for the next foreseeable future?
Listen in as we explore:
- Relocation Incentives
- Favorable Tax Treatment
- Opportunity Zones
- Price Fluctuation
- And much more!
You’ll get some great perspective, practical tips, and important insights into what issues to be watching for as the effects of the Coronavirus continue to unfold.
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