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You’re on the Secrets of Successful Syndication Advance Notice List!  

If you don’t see your name below, don’t worry… we probably ran out of chalk.  But we put your name on a post-it note on our computer screen, so you’re covered.  That’s what’s great about redundant systems.

While you’re waiting for us to announce our next power-packed training … there’s a few other related trainings you should probably be interested in … 

Create Your Future Goals Retreat and Workshop

Another MUST attend.  We really don’t put on an event that’s not important.  After all, our whole motto is Education for EFFECTIVE Action™.

PROPER goal setting is essential for EVERYONE … but ESPECIALLY entrepreneurs (and that’s what you are when you become a syndicator).

We’re not talking to-do lists, or even “SMART” goals (they’re good, but SO ’80s).  We’re talking about YOU, what YOU want, what YOU value, and what YOU are willing (or not willing) to do to achieve YOUR goals.

When you get it right, you’re retired from the day you start.  You wake up every day paid to live the life of your dreams.

When you get it WRONG, you’re trapped in a prison of your own (lack of) design.  You don’t own your business.  Your business owns you.  That’s BAD.

Click here to learn more about how to Create Your Future.


Belize Discovery Trip

Okay, this (maybe) doesn’t have anything to do with syndication.  But after attending all these seminars, you’re going to need to get away.  So why not combine a little business with a whole lot of fun?

White sand, turquoise blue water, palm trees, warm Caribbean sunshine … there’s a reason Corona commercial uses this imagery.  No one dreams about sitting in a lawn chair in front of the C-class apartment building!

And who knows?  Maybe you’ll discover you have a goal to own a beautiful vacation property (that pays you to own it) in a tropical paradise … and you can syndicate it with some friends who all want the same thing!

See?  Business and investing don’t need to be boring and tedious!

Click here to discover enchanting Belize.


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