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crisis webinar

Good news for real estate in time of crisis …

Good news for real estate in time of crisis …

A 5-minute muse … After several weeks of confronting the brutal facts with our COVID-19 Crisis Investing Series … … and chasing shiny objects in our Making Sense of Silver Series … … it’s time to consider the BRIGHT SIDE of the crisis for REAL ESTATE investors. So grab a lollipop, slather on some sunscreen, saddle up the unicorn, and let’s trot […]

Good news for real estate in time of crisis … Read More »

Gold at record highs and mortgage rates at record lows …

Gold at record highs and mortgage rates at record lows …

When things are moving fast, windows of opportunity open and close quickly. Those not aware and prepared either miss a good thing … or step in a bad thing. Yuck. Headlines are SCREAMING right now. Things are moving FAST. But in all the noise, messages can be missed. We’re certainly not experts … just two guys with microphones,

Gold at record highs and mortgage rates at record lows … Read More »

We’re not in Kansas anymore …

We’re not in Kansas anymore …

Editor’s Note: It seems there was a delivery problem with our last muse … either spam filters found the content delicious … or the thought police didn’t like our attitude. 😉 “Great read! I’m looking forward to the crisis investing webinar!” – Ben B. “Excellent article. I highly recommend …” – Jan G. “Love your info … and your humor!” – Douglas L.

We’re not in Kansas anymore … Read More »

Freedom, responsibility, opportunity and hard work…

Freedom, responsibility, opportunity and hard work…

We’re a little late with this week’s muse … we’ve been busy finishing up an EPIC collection of interviews for our soon-to-be-released COVID-19 Crisis Investing Webinar Series. The original plan was to do a simple webinar with a collection of our big-brained friends. It turned into a MUCH bigger undertaking … in a GREAT way. Obviously, there’s

Freedom, responsibility, opportunity and hard work… Read More »

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