We love your questions! We wish we could answer each and every one personally.  But because we’re big shot radio personalities, we have to spend a lot of time hob-knobbing with rich and famous real estate celebrities, in between taking out the trash and changing the cartridge on the printer.  Yeah, we’re big.

So if you don’t hear back from us right away, please don’t think we don’t care.

Walter in the mail room collects all your questions. Then every few weeks we order pizza and beer and read through them all.  We pick out which ones we’ll answer in a broadcast, podcast or newsletter.

Meanwhile, if you have a BURNING question where someone’s life is at stake, or worse, there’s a lot of money involved, then you should go get professional help.  Not that we aren’t professional (Robert was an Eagle Scout), but we’re here to give you ideas that help you work better with your own advisors.

Speaking of which, if you have some real sharp people on your team, do them (and us – as well as our entire audience) a favor:  Tell us about them!  We’re collecting your referrals for our Resource Exchange.

That’s it for now. Be sure you’re subscribed to our podcast – and hopefully you’ll get the answer to your question soon!

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