Decreasing Your Tax Burden

with Ken McElroy

Trump’s taxes have been a hot topic in the news. How can someone who makes so much money get away with paying virtually zero tax

The truth is … he’s not the only person taking advantage of government incentives to save taxes. You too could pay less or even no tax … legally, ethically, and pretty easily. 

For over two decades, Ken McElroy has experienced massive success in the real estate world-from investment analysis and property management to acquisitions and property development. With over $750 million investment dollars in real estate, Ken offers a unique perspective on how to get the biggest return on investments.

Ken is the author of the best-selling books The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, The ABC’s of Property Management, and most recently his book on entrepreneurship:  The Sleeping Giant, where he shares his real-life examples and ideology of how to be successful in business and in life. As the Real Estate Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki of The Rich Dad Company, Ken is also a chapter contributor in the newly released Rich Dad book, More Important Than Money: an Entrepreneur’s Team.

In this episode, Kenny joins Robert Helms and Russell Gray, hosts of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show to talk about how real estate investors like Donald Trump use tax incentives to decrease their tax burden.  

Tax Talk Video Series

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