Boots-on-the-Ground Market Insights:
Atlanta, GA
There’s no denying it … Distribution hubs are booming.
The real estate ecosystem is evolving and it might be in our best interest to evolve with it. We’ve had our eye on Atlanta for a while and in this interview, we hear why now might be the best time to act. The region has proven to be a strong distribution hub and COVID-19 has only accelerated the profits within the market.
In this Boots-on-the-Ground interview, Russell Gray, co-host of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show, talks with Chris Funk to get an update on how Atlanta is faring now that it’s home to a number of Fortune 500 companies. We gain insight on Build-to-Rent properties, and how they might prove to be among the best long term holdings.
Listeners receive important insights into what issues to be watching for as the effects of the Coronavirus unfold.
Topics Discussed Include…
- Metropolitan Distance
- Celebrities Flocking to Atlanta
- Occupancy and Turnover Rate
- COVID-19 Accelerated Distribution Growth
- Inventory Issues and Solutions
- Long Term Holdings and Profits
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