The Real Estate Guys™ Blog
Weekly blog posts keep you up-to-date with news and views you can use. Looking at economics, trends, clues in the news, markets, financing and more … all from the perspective of a real estate investor.
When it comes to retirement, getting there means knowing where, why and how. And without foresight, opportunities can be squandered or missed altogether. Since
As much as we love real estate, we know it’s merely a means to an end. And a big part of each individual investor’s
When the quality of the currency is questionable, it’s critical to be extra careful when selecting markets and property types. That sounds good, but
Whew. Here we are at our fourth and final installment of the August and the Economy series. How are you holding up? Our brains
How does the first ever downgrade of Uncle Sam’s credit rating affect your interest rates…or does it? Inquiring minds want to know! Since S&P
So it’s not every day you get to sit down with a bona fide presidential candidate face to face and ask whatever you want.
The aftermath of the debt ceiling vote and the subsequent S&P downgrade just adds to the drama surrounding the U.S. economy. When you add
Bargain basement prices. Highly motivated sellers. Record low interest rates. A growing numbers of renters. No new inventory coming out of the ground. Wow.
The U.S. debt ceiling debate of 2011 is one of the biggest financial stories since the mortgage meltdown set off a chain reaction of
photo credit: woodleywonderworks If necessity is the mother of invention, then surely distress is the mother of creativity. It’s an age old principle in
The Real Estate Guys™ dove into the email grab bag and pulled out some more of your amazing questions! In the broadcast booth for
Moving up to the “big deals” is the goal of everyone who plays Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow game, just like going from little green
Why do people put up with jobs they hate? Or limit their upside opportunity and use only a fraction of their potential in their
Being a real estate investor means handling a lot of cash. It may not seem that way, especially at first, but think about it.
Bargains, bargains everywhere, but it’s hard to get a loan. Even in the good old days of fast and easy Fannie and Freddie money,
One of the best parts of learning in a classroom is hearing the questions asked by other students. Sometimes they ask things you would
Happy Memorial Day! We decided this was the perfect day to reflect upon two of fundamental rights which make up the essence of freedom:
New flash! Lots of people have endured a lot of pain, and many are still working their way out, as a result of the
As Joel Grey and Liza Minnelli sang in Cabaret, “Money makes the world go ’round”! And, as we all found out in 2008, when
Investors are playing a vital role in helping the housing market heal. But who are these investors and how are they doing it? To