1/29/12: Where in the World to Invest? Tracking Trends in Global Real Estate

Emerging economies, free(er) trade, high speed communication and the troubled financial systems of the U.S. and Europe all add up to people, money and opportunities moving around the globe in unprecedented fashion.

It’s a lot to keep up on!  But have no fear, The Real Estate Guys™ are here!

In the studio, behind the shiny silver microphones for another scintillating soiree into broadcast excellence:

  • Your emerging, high speed host, Robert Helms
  • Your troubled co-host, Russell Gray

In this episode, we flip the mirror around and look at the world from a different angle.  Now that we’re big shot international podcasters (being downloaded in over 160 countries!), we can’t just look at the world exclusively through our U.S. centric eyeballs.

Besides, we’ve discovered through our recent trips to South Florida and Phoenix, that non-U.S. citizens are actively buying U.S. real estate that they view as being on sale.  So even if you’re a U.S. citizen with no interest in off-shore investing, your domestic real estate is being affected by foreign activity.

Plus as the Chinese economy continues to climb up the food chain (nipping at the heels of Uncle Sam at last check), wealth being created overseas is affecting markets all over the world.  One of our fastest growing audiences is in Australia.  What’s the connection?  Australia is a big exporter of commodities to…drum roll please…China!  And how’s Aussie real estate been doing?  Pretty hot for quite some time.

And just so you don’t think it’s just all about China, Brazil is starting to light up the economic scoreboard also.  Our sources tell us the Brazilians make up a significant chunk of the buyers gobbling up South Florida real estate.

And don’t forget the Canadian dollar, eh?  It’s been strong against the U.S. greenback, making U.S. dollar denominated assets more attractive.  It’s too bad old guys like us don’t get more attractive when our dollars gets weak…but we digress.

Our point is, as we all learned as children at Disneyland, it’s a small world after all.  And what happens in the big economies of the world, can affect you – pretty much wherever you are.

So, listen in as The Real Estate Guys™ talk trends in global real estate – and consider how those trends might create opportunities or challenges you should be aware of.  Hey!  It it was easy, everyone would do it.  But if it can’t be easy, you can count on us to make it fun!

And speaking of fun (warning: incoming shameless plug), we’re getting close to last call for our fabulous annual Investor Summit at Sea™.  As of this post, we have investors coming from at least 13 different countries.  It’s a great opportunity to build you global network and gain direct personal insights into real estate markets and mindsets from around the world.  To get in on the fun, click here now!

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The Real Estate Guys™ radio show and podcast provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.


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