international investing

10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

5/17/15: Economic Shifts – Real Estate Diversification and Emerging Markets

We all know shift happens…and it can be messy. But rather than complain about it, nimble and resourceful investors find new markets, strategies and product types to keep their portfolio chugging down the track. Of course, for professional fund managers this is nothing new.  But for most day-to-day nose-to-the-grindstone real estate investors, the idea of

5/17/15: Economic Shifts – Real Estate Diversification and Emerging Markets Read More »

2/3/13: Searching the Globe for Real Estate, Banking and Privacy

Being homeless isn’t something most investors aspire to.  Then again, it depends on your definition of homeless. In this episode, we visit with a man who is a self-described “perpetual traveler”.  As such, he doesn’t really identify with any particular country.  He’s what you might call a sovereign man. What does that have to do

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10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

Money is flowing around the globe, seeking opportunity and avoiding risk.  But where is it going and why? We’re always fascinated by trying to figure out where the puck is going (a hockey quote by Wayne Gretsky) .  And (to horribly mix metaphors), sometimes you need to get a bird’s eye view to see the

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10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

1/29/12: Where in the World to Invest? Tracking Trends in Global Real Estate

Emerging economies, free(er) trade, high speed communication and the troubled financial systems of the U.S. and Europe all add up to people, money and opportunities moving around the globe in unprecedented fashion. It’s a lot to keep up on!  But have no fear, The Real Estate Guys™ are here! In the studio, behind the shiny

1/29/12: Where in the World to Invest? Tracking Trends in Global Real Estate Read More »

5/16/10: Live, Work, Play – Designing Your Lifestyle as a Real Estate Investor

5/16/10: Live, Work, Play – Designing Your Lifestyle as a Real Estate Investor

The world has changed! The internet has made it smaller, the economy has become much more global, and there are unprecedented opportunities to integrate real estate investing into an international lifestyle.  But if you’re living in your home town, working at a day job and dreaming of going global, where do you start?  We invited

5/16/10: Live, Work, Play – Designing Your Lifestyle as a Real Estate Investor Read More »

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