5/16/10: Live, Work, Play – Designing Your Lifestyle as a Real Estate Investor

The world has changed! The internet has made it smaller, the economy has become much more global, and there are unprecedented opportunities to integrate real estate investing into an international lifestyle.  But if you’re living in your home town, working at a day job and dreaming of going global, where do you start?  We invited someone we know that went from Corporate America to international real estate development to come in studio and tell us not only how and why she did it, but where she sees the opportunities in today’s rapidly changing economy.

In the studio for today’s show:
•    Your Host and Chief Globetrotter, Robert Helms
•    Co-Host and Travel Coordinator,  Russell Gray
•    The Godfather of Real Estate,  Bob Helms
•    Special Guest: International Real Estate Developer, Beth Clifford

This is a show we were super excited to do.  For many people, real estate investing means tenants and troubles that interrupt their lifestyle rather than enhance it.  But does it have to be that way?  We catch up with our good friend Beth Clifford, who made the leap from a day job to a dream job using international real estate as the vehicle.  Of course, we have lots of questions – and Beth is nice enough to hang out for the whole show and answer them.

We start out getting the Reader’s Digest on Beth’s career.  While the history is interesting, what’s really useful is the mental process Beth went through to decide what she really wanted to do – and how real estate fits in.

Another very interesting topic of conversation comes up when Beth gives us the “big picture”.  Now that she’s gone global, what macro trends does she see?  What do they mean to her and her real estate strategies?  What can we learn from her experiences to make us better investors?  We have inquiring minds!

Beth also shares strategies she is using to gain competitive advantages in new markets – and how financial strength is much less important than you might think.  Whew! That’s a relief – because this Great Recession has taken the wind out of a lot of folks’ sails.  Knowing how to keep going when your financials aren’t as strong you’d like is a key survival skill for a real estate investor.

We discuss the importance of taking into consideration demographics, migration patterns, social and technology trends; plus your personal assets and interests when selecting which markets you will invest in.  Careful planning on the front end can yield a portfolio that is both profitable and fun!  And let’s face it, if you’re not having fun…well, it’s no fun.

Even though Beth is doing deals which have bigger numbers, the concepts she shares apply to everyone.  Enjoy!

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