Gold & Silver

Protect yourself against inflation and preserve wealth with
precious metals … lasting assets with lasting value!

Learn more about precious metals and make your investment with our trusted partner Dana Samuelson at American Gold Exchange by clicking below:

This is still true now!  Gold and silver are REAL assets with REAL value … and an unwavering rock for core stability in any investors portfolio. 

Precious metals are ALWAYS worth something … and tend to become more valuable when paper money fails.  In actuality, gold and silver HOLD their VALUE while other currencies continue to be devalued by governments and banking institutions. 

That’s why gold and silver have been at the core of wealth and monetary systems for centuries, and why  … smart investors look to these assets to preserve personal wealth and hedge against inflation. 

Precious metals like gold and silver are one of the few asset classes that hold their purchasing power in times of uncertainty. 

In fact, after the 2008 housing crisis, Gold and silver overperformed projections as demand soared for the next few years … 

And in 2020 … Public demand for deliverable hard asset precious metals is actually stronger than in 2009

And you can’t just pull out a printing press and produce more gold and silver to meet increasing demand on a moment’s notice.  

Some argue against the metals because of their lack of liquidity, but when you find yourself needing liquidity …

 You can borrow against your gold and silver reserves! 

In addition to being desirable and valuable … Silver offers significant utility as well!  It is an essential material for electronics, cell phones, solar panels, and consumer products like jewelry, silverware, and mirrors. 

As silver is more abundant than gold, it is less expensive and can be bought in more incremental varieties and liquitied in smaller incremental quantities as well. 

One thing to pay attention to for spotting opportunities in the precious metals space is the gold/silver ratio … measuring the strength of gold versus silver prices. This ratio shows investors how many ounces of silver it takes to purchase one ounce of gold. So, a ratio of 25 to 1 means it takes 25 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. 

The gold/silver ratio can be a valuable tool to determine the right time to buy gold or silver.  Some investors choose to buy silver when the ratio is high and switch to buying gold when the ratio falls. No matter how you buy … 

Gold and silver are lasting assets to secure your portfolio with lasting value! 

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