10/16/11: Teach Your Children Well – The Rules of Money Have Changed

There’s no doubt that the economic world is very different today than just a few years ago.  Many, especially Americans, hope the changes are temporary and things will get to “normal” pretty soon.

But what if the changes aren’t temporary?  What is we’re living in a new economic reality?

And for the younger set, if the economic landscape really is different, then do the old road maps apply…or are there new rules of the road?

That’s a lot to think about!

So for help, we flew out to sunny Scottsdale, Arizona to visit with a guy that thinks about this kind of stuff all the time.  He is the most prolific financial author in history, whose message of financial education, entrepreneurism and alternative investing has resonated with many millions of people all over the globe.

In the Rich Dad studios for a special “on location” episode of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show:

  •  Your prolific host, Robert Helms
  • Your amateur-lific co-host, Russell Gray
  • Author, entrepreneur and investor, Robert Kiyosaki

We’re guessing that if you’re reading this blog, you’re pretty serious about your financial education.  And if you put your education into effective action, you’re probably going to accumulate a bunch of wealth over your life time.  Good for you!

But if you fast forward a little but further, you may find yourself with grown kids and grandkids – and maybe more than that.  Are you excited about leaving them all your wealth?  If so, do you also have a plan for leaving them your financial education too?

What?  You hadn’t really thought about that?  Well, that’s what we’re here for!  While you’re out working hard to earn money, make good investments and build wealth for your family for generations to come, we’re traveling around the world seeking the best and brightest minds.  When we find someone like Robert Kiyosaki, we grab a microphone and start pulling great ideas out of his head to make them available to you.

So listen in and find out what our special guest Robert Kiyosaki has to say about what the rich teach their children,and that the poor and middle class do not.  Enjoy!

Listen now!


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