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We assume you’re here because you want to become a real estate investing GENIUS and make TONS of money (or something like that).  Our job is to find FUN & RELEVANT ways to bring you news, information, ideas, perspectives and strategies that will help you.  Our discussion topics, guests, events – even our sponsors – are all chosen with this goal in mind.  Of course, if we’re missing something, please give us your feedback. (Notice that we have a handy FEEDBACK button on the top right.)

To get the MOST out of all of our hard work, SIGN UP for all the FREE STUFF:
  1. Radio Show Broadcasts and Podcasts – Lively discussion, often with expert guests, one hour once a week.  You can listen online or download the show on our LISTEN page. The BEST thing to do is SUBSCRIBE to the podcast so you never miss a show!  Some people think the shows are pretty good.
  2. Newsletter – News, Views, Reviews on making money with investment real estate. Delivered directly to your email inbox (make sure to add our domain to your safe sender’s list!).  Each time our newsletter arrives it will remind you, “Hey! I’m a real estate investor.”  This is important, because sometimes life gets in the way and it’s easy to forget.  You’ll probably be more successful if you pay attention. We’ll help you!  Sign up today (see the box on the right?).  Name and email. Simple. You probably have those memorized.
  3. Blog Feed – For old folks like us, that sounds like something you’d find on a farm.  But it’s really cool.  When we having something brilliant to say (or we find someone brilliant to quote), we post it on one of our blogs.  When you subscribe, some little internet elf gathers all the blogs together and creates your very own web page of all of our brilliance. It’s like you Googled “real estate brilliance” and the search results listed all of our blogs.  Amazing.  Try it!
  4. Twitter – Every so often we will think of something profound to say in just 140 characters.  Most of the time we will steal something from someone else and pass it along.  Our commitment is that is will be relevant, encouraging or entertaining – but we won’t waste your time time with endless sales pitches.

Whew!  That’s a lot of work we have to do for free.  But you’re worth it.   Now if you’re really feeling grateful, there are some things you can do for us (there’s always a catch).  Don’t worry.  They’re really easy.

First, please tell a friend. Actually, tell LOTS of friends about The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show.  Lots of eyeballs and earballs (we’re radio guys remember?) are how we add value for our sponsors.  Which leads us to the next item…

Check out The Real Estate Guys™ Resource Network! We feature businesses we think have great products and services to help you succeed.  They’re investing in us.  We’re investing in you.  So when you invest in them, you’re really investing in you.  Just like high school geometry logic: If a=b, and b=c, then a=c.  Who said math wasn’t practical in the real world?

Come see us in person!  Being crammed into a little radio gets real lonely.  So our producer lets us out every once in a while to do live events, which is only fun when people are there.

  • Market Field Trips – We love to visit interesting real estate markets.  As big shot radio talk show hosts, we’re able to get really smart local market experts to show us (and our guests) around.  The purpose of the trips are for you to learn the overall market and meet prospective team members.  When you join us, in one weekend you’ll learn more about a market and build better local relationships than you could in several trips on you own.  Plus, you’ll have a ton of fun.  We always do!
  • Seminars, Retreats and Workshops – Internet learning is great, but it can be a little sound-bitish.  Sometimes to really delve into a subject, you need a full day or more of focused concentration.  We pick topics we think are critically important and not being covered well by others – things like syndication, due diligence and goal setting.
  • Investor Summit at Sea – This is our annual “convention”, except instead of some boring conference center, we do it aboard a big, beautiful cruise ship.  High level education, power networking, fun in the sun and total immersion (figuratively speaking of course!) in the subject of real estate and investing.  It isn’t cheap and it lasts an entire week, so it’s a big commitment.  But that means the caliber of people at the Summit is great!  That’s important.  Did you want to live a week on a cruise ship and network with a bunch of free seminar junkies?  Have you ever been to a free seminar?  Just sayin’….

Have a question?  Every few weeks we dedicate an entire episode of the radio show to answer YOUR questions.  To get your question on our list, just visit our Ask The Guys page.  Our email room manager, Walter, will put your email in our grab bag and who knows?  Maybe we’ll pull your question out and answer it on the air!

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