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Cover Your Assets Part 1 – Protecting Your Wealth Today and Tomorrow

Cover Your Assets Part 1 – Protecting Your Wealth Today and Tomorrow

An essential element of real estate investing is protecting the assets you’ve worked so hard to acquire. When you’re just starting out, your investment business is pretty low liability. But as you acquire properties, the liabilities build up … and a legal problem with one property could cascade and affect your other assets if you […]

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The Market Detective – Uncovering Clues for Finding Great Markets

The Market Detective – Uncovering Clues for Finding Great Markets

Across the country, real estate markets are hot … and getting hotter. That means compressed cap rates … which in turn mean a lower rate of return for investors. So how can investors find a market that will offer great returns in good times and bad? In today’s show, we’ll discuss the market fundamentals that

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