GREAT question! We’re glad you asked …

Walter in the mailroom is collecting and sorting through your questions … We’ll get to as many as we can on our next call with Chris.

And of course, we’ll record the whole thing and send you the video to watch ON-DEMAND at your own convenience

Meanwhile, if you have a BURNING question where someone’s life is at stake, or worse, there’s a lot of money involved, then you should go get professional help. Not that we aren’t professional (Robert was an Eagle Scout), but we’re here to give you ideas that help you work better with your own advisors.

And if you have a friend or partner who might be interested, do them (and us) a favor and tell them about the opportunity to submit their own questions for Chris Funk of Southern Impression Homes.

And just in case we don’t get to your question during the Q&A session, make sure you’re subscribed to our podcast, newsletter, and YouTube Channel … you just might hear it answered in an upcoming video, radio show, or newsletter!

That’s it for now … Thanks again!

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