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Podcast: Defensive Strategies for Real Estate Investors

Podcast: Defensive Strategies for Real Estate Investors

 As investors, we spend most of our time on the offense … Looking for great deals, excellent markets, cash flow, equity growth, tax savings … But while those things are essential, to borrow the words of legendary football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant, “Offense wins games … defense wins championships.” And like many of us […]

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Podcast: Financial Strategies to Unlock Equity, Lower Taxes and Increase Cash Flow

Podcast: Financial Strategies to Unlock Equity, Lower Taxes and Increase Cash Flow

 Leverage can be a powerful tool in every investor’s toolbox. But like any tool, it’s most effective when you know how and when to use it. And while it has its advantages, acquiring properties with debt doesn’t come without risk. In this episode, we discuss tips, methodologies, and considerations for using leverage with regard

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Podcast: Peter Schiff on the Fed’s Latest Move and Real Estate

Podcast: Peter Schiff on the Fed’s Latest Move and Real Estate

 Will the Fed REALLY raise interest rates multiple times in 2022? And if they do, what happens to real estate? Fed Chair Jerome Powell has admitted inflation is NOT transitory (welcome to the party!) … and says “tapering” and interest rate hikes are coming to an economy near you. What does all this mean?

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Podcast: Ask The Guys – Getting Started, Smart Refinancing, and the Next Generation

Podcast: Ask The Guys – Getting Started, Smart Refinancing, and the Next Generation

 You ask, we answer … It’s time for another interesting installment of Ask The Guys! Some tantalizing topics we tackle today include: Tips for buying your first investment property … Tradeoffs of refinancing … Approaching rent increases in the present climate … And more interesting inquiries submitted by our amazing audience. So put on

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Finding the Next Hot Spot – What to Look for When Analyzing Markets

Podcast: Finding the Next Hot Spot – What to Look for When Analyzing Markets

 When it comes to real estate investing, markets matter. After all, a strong market has the potential to amplify the return on any specific property … even a weak one. On the flip side, a weak location can suppress even the strongest property. But how do you know whether a new market is HOT

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Podcast: Turnkey Rental Houses – More Cash Flow with Less Hassle

Podcast: Turnkey Rental Houses – More Cash Flow with Less Hassle

 There are endless reasons real estate piques the interest of investors … Cash flow, tax advantages, and inflation hedging, just to name a few. But when faced with all that goes into investing where the numbers make sense … researching markets, finding a suitable property, rehabbing said property, finding tenants, managing upkeep & maintenance

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Podcast: Strategies for Unlocking the Power of Your Balance Sheet

Podcast: Strategies for Unlocking the Power of Your Balance Sheet

 One of the key components to becoming a successful real estate investor is to master the art of debt. But while it’s easy to focus on the acquisition at hand, there’s a whole lot more to financing than the loan on the property you’re buying … Just ask today’s guest … an experienced strategic

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Podcast: Safety & Security for Real Estate Owners and Professionals

Podcast: Safety & Security for Real Estate Owners and Professionals

 Like danger and opportunity, safety comes in a lot of forms. But it’s something many real estate investors and professionals don’t think about until after a bad experience. In today’s increasingly chaotic world, where police forces can be underfunded and under limiting rules of engagement, it’s more important than ever to be highly attentive

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Podcast: Halloween Horror Stories 2021

Podcast: Halloween Horror Stories 2021

It wouldn’t be Halloween without our annual spine-chilling collection of hauntingly horrid real estate tales! These spooktacular stories are bound to give you goosebumps … But where our guests were tricked, you’ll find your treats … hauntingly powerful lessons that will save you from repeating their morbid mistakes. Tune in for another hair-raising installment of

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