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Podcast: Heart-Centered Real Estate Investing with Tremendous Cashflow

Podcast: Heart-Centered Real Estate Investing with Tremendous Cashflow

Housing instability is a widespread issue in the US … … one that’s only been exacerbated by the pandemic and subsequent economic turmoil. After witnessing a family member’s struggle with homelessness, our guests today vowed to be a part of the solution. Today, their mission is to educate socially-minded investors on the housing formula that […]

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Bubbles, Inflation, Gold, Crypto, Real Estate and MUCH more

Bubbles, Inflation, Gold, Crypto, Real Estate and MUCH more

The Real Estate Guys™ are headed back to the New Orleans Investment Conference in just a few weeks. YOU are invited … and STRONGLY encouraged to join us. It’s never been more important to PAY ATTENTION to what’s happening in the economy and financial system. If you’re not familiar with the term “The Great Reset”, who may want to look it up. It could be coming to a theater near you and your wealth.

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Podcast: Exploring Hot Market Niches with a Super Syndicator

Podcast: Exploring Hot Market Niches with a Super Syndicator

“The riches are in the niches” is a common expression around entrepreneurial circles … and for good reason. Just ask today’s guest … a good friend and former student of ours who’s raised more than 350 million dollars in syndication capital in the last 7 years in MANY different niches. From multifamily and resort property

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Podcast: How Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Real Estate are Converging

Podcast: How Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Real Estate are Converging

Cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology behind it have the potential to revolutionize real estate investing.  And considering the 2nd largest U.S. mortgage lender recently announced they’ll begin accepting payments in Bitcoin, it’s clear that crypto is quickly moving mainstream and making its way to Main Street. So how can you incorporate it into your investing

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Podcast: Eviction Moratoriums, Property Rights and the Rule of Law

Podcast: Eviction Moratoriums, Property Rights and the Rule of Law

Real estate investing isn’t possible without property rights, the rule of law, and the ability to control our own properties … So when eviction moratoriums began popping up across the country in March 2020 … it understandably sparked some concern … especially for the average mom and pop main street investor. Now nearly a year

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Podcast: The Golden Age of Real Estate Investing

Podcast: The Golden Age of Real Estate Investing

As real estate investors, we’re big fans of cash flow, leverage, and tax benefits. Today, we’re talking about an asset class that doesn’t typically provide any of those things … But stay tuned because this is no shiny object syndrome. Like real estate, gold is real, essential, and the long-term data proves it consistently outperforms

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Podcast: The Hottest Niche in Housing Right Now

Podcast: The Hottest Niche in Housing Right Now

Housing is hot right now … and that’s good and bad. Tight inventory, low rates, and surging demand in key markets create equity, which is a beautiful thing. But it also makes finding affordable properties difficult for home buyers and investors alike. Of course, lack of affordable housing improves rental demand, so investors big and

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