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quantitative easing

10/23/11: The Creature from Jekyll Island – A Conversation with G. Edward Griffin

10/23/11: The Creature from Jekyll Island – A Conversation with G. Edward Griffin

As Halloween approaches, we wanted to pick a spooky topic to kick off the week.  We’ll follow it up next with our annual edition of Halloween Horror Stories, so stay tuned! For this episode, our topic is The Creature from Jekyll Island.  For the uninitiated, this is the title of the epic and iconic expose

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2/20/11: The Coming Wave of Inflation – Profiting When the Levee Breaks

2/20/11: The Coming Wave of Inflation – Profiting When the Levee Breaks

Central banks around the world have been pumping “liquidity” into their respective economies since 2008. In the USA, the Fed has gone through two rounds of “Quantitative Easing” (QE1 and QE2) and has been talking about a third.  Meanwhile, the government is piling up debt at a record pace. What does it all mean?  And

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11/21/10: Real Estate Economics – Interviews with the Federal Reserve and National Association of Realtors

11/21/10: Real Estate Economics – Interviews with the Federal Reserve and National Association of Realtors

As we’re guiding our real estate sailing ship through the choppy economic seas of the past few years, we’ve learned the wisdom of having a lookout watching the horizon for threats and opportunities. We also like to compare notes with other sailors – especially those whose lookout platforms are higher up than ours.  They can

11/21/10: Real Estate Economics – Interviews with the Federal Reserve and National Association of Realtors Read More »

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