
3/31/13: The Value of Changing Scenery and the Seasons You Go Through as an Investor

3/31/13: The Value of Changing Scenery and the Seasons You Go Through as an Investor

Profitable opportunities and valuable lessons are all around us…sometimes in the most unlikely of places. In our recent travels, we found ourselves in disparate places with distinctly different, yet highly notable and successful people. The common denominator is that we find great lessons to be learned from both – and we want to share them

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3/17/13: Embracing Change and Overcoming Adversity – A Conversation with RE/MAX Co-Founder Dave Liniger

3/17/13: Embracing Change and Overcoming Adversity – A Conversation with RE/MAX Co-Founder Dave Liniger

Do you know what makes good times so good? Bad times. There’s a lot of truth to that old adage, “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” We know.  Like us, you’d rather soar above the peaks and valleys and enjoy a smooth ride non-stop to the top.  But the more we hang around hyper-achievers,

3/17/13: Embracing Change and Overcoming Adversity – A Conversation with RE/MAX Co-Founder Dave Liniger Read More »

10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why

Money is flowing around the globe, seeking opportunity and avoiding risk.  But where is it going and why? We’re always fascinated by trying to figure out where the puck is going (a hockey quote by Wayne Gretsky) .  And (to horribly mix metaphors), sometimes you need to get a bird’s eye view to see the

10/7/12: The Global Perspective – Where Investors Are Going and Why Read More »

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