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taxable income

Newsfeed: Mass migration from blue states to red states; Florida enjoys enormous influx of wealth while New York suffers severe financial losses: Analysis

Newsfeed: Mass migration from blue states to red states; Florida enjoys enormous influx of wealth while New York suffers severe financial losses: Analysis

A new analysis of IRS data reveals the mass migration of Americans from blue states to red states and the significant ramifications as a result of the widespread resettlement.

Newsfeed: Mass migration from blue states to red states; Florida enjoys enormous influx of wealth while New York suffers severe financial losses: Analysis Read More »

Taxing times for states spells opportunity for real estate investors …

Taxing times for states spells opportunity for real estate investors …

Most people think of tax season as January 1 to April 15. After all, that’s when most people close the books on the previous year, issue and collect tax documents, prep returns, and settle up with the taxing authorities. But for a host of real estate investors and entrepreneurs, the REAL tax season is right

Taxing times for states spells opportunity for real estate investors … Read More »

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