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Podcast: Unconventional Funding Solutions for Real Estate Investors

Real estate investing can be messy … and not just the property. Sometimes a deal … or even your entire portfolio … doesn’t fit inside the conventional lending box. So if you or your deals don’t fit the institutional mold, you’ll be glad to know there’s a wide, wonderful world of alternative funding solutions you

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Unconventional Funding Solutions for Real Estate Investors

Lending is a big part of real estate investing … but sometimes your situation doesn’t fit the traditional lending mold.  If you … or your deals … require out-of-the-box funding … have no fear! There is a great, big, wide world of alternative funding solutions just waiting to be discovered. And the payoff can be

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Finding, Financing and Syndicating Multi-Family Properties

  Apartment buildings are the logical step up for most single-family home investors. And apartments are where many of the “big boys” play. In a low interest rate world, the cash flows on multi-family properties has attracted gobs of capital…creating a many funding options, but also a lot of competition for viable deals. In this episode, we

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