
02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know

02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know

It’s said the only things which are certain are death and taxes. We think this could be modified to DEBT and taxes….especially when you consider the relationship between the two.  BUT…we’ll put our tin-foil hats in our lead cased fire-proof safe and focus on the tax…er, task…at hand. We were out in the Phoenix area

02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know Read More »

7/27/14: Principle Based Investing – Achieving Profit and Social Significance

7/27/14: Principle Based Investing – Achieving Profit and Social Significance

The tax inversion debate has some saying that profits and corporate responsibility are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  But our guest for this edition of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show disagrees. Sure, we all know people who take short cuts and try to take more out of every deal than they deserve.  Movies,

7/27/14: Principle Based Investing – Achieving Profit and Social Significance Read More »

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